Beeswax Processing
We are the only specialist beeswax company in New Zealand and as such, have a wide and varied customer base for our products. Because of this, we need constant supplies of crude beeswax for processing so we are always interested in buying beeswax.
Our buying prices can change due to exchange rate fluctuations and changes in the world market price for beeswax, so contact us for our current prices, terms and conditions.
Because we have a wide range of markets, we are interested in all grades of beeswax, as we have the ability to match different grades to the most suitable market.
The following documents are required from beekeepers whose beeswax we are processing.
If you’d like to find out more about this process, please contact us.
Contact UsRequired Documentation
Electronic Eligibility Declarations
All Transfer Statements must be done electronically as an Electronic Declaration. The Electronic Declaration must be raised within 24 hours of the beeswax leaving your premises. Our RMP Identifier is 5BW. Any beeswax that arrives at New Zealand Beeswax without an Electronic Declaration will be graded as non-compliant.
How To Raise An Eligibility Declaration
Click here to read our Declaration Guide on raising an eligibility declaration. Our RMP Identifier is 5BW. For further assistance on how to complete this contact Tanya Gant, Domestic Sales / Exporting, on or 03 693 9189
How To Register for E-Certifications
If you are not registered, please read about how to register for e-certifications here on the Ministry of Primary Industries. Alternatively, please contact your risk management programme (RMP) verifier for more information.
Harvest Declarations
A Harvest Declaration is required for all beeswax. It provides information to support the fitness for purpose and traceability of bee products intended for export for human consumption. Download a Harvest Declaration form or view an Example Declaration here.
Minimum Quantities
We have minimum quantities for all beeswax. Pack your beeswax as neatly as possible to keep the consignment as small as possible as freight companies work on the greater of the weight or cubic measure (width x depth x height).
Wax blocks – 5kgs
Old frames – 1 pallet
Raw cappings – 1 wheelie bin.
Freight Rates
We have good rates available with certain freight companies. You can send the consignment freight forward and we will charge the freight against the wax credit. If you would like to take advantage of this arrangement, please contact us.
All consignments need to be clearly labelled with your name and, if you are RMP registered, your identifier. We can have a number of deliveries each day so it can be very difficult and time consuming identifying your consignment if you do not have your name on it.
Ensure consignment notes are accurate as this is how it will be charged. Some freight companies may re-measure and re-weigh if it doesn’t appear correct. Drums are not very efficient space-wise for beeswax blocks, so we suggest packed in bags on pallets or wrapped blocks strapped directly on pallets. Raw cappings are preferred in wheelie bins for health & safety requirements.
Beeswax Declarations Charts
E-Certification | NZ Beeswax Declaration | |
Raw Cappings | Yes | Yes |
Cappings Blocks | Yes | Yes |
Dark Combs – Beeswax | – | Yes |
Old Combs & Frames for Rendering | – | Yes |
Rendering | – | Yes |
Slum | – | Yes |
E-Certifications | NZ Beeswax Declaration | |
Raw Cappings | – | Yes |
Cappings Blocks | – | Yes |
Dark Combs – Beeswax Blocks | – | Yes |
Old Combs & Frames for Rendering | – | Yes |
Rendering | – | Yes |
Slum | – | Yes |
Frequently asked questions about beeswax
Preparation of Beeswax - Melting
There are a few basic points to follow when melting as detailed below. Another point that you should note is that quality is not just based on how clean yours beeswax is. Every time you melt beeswax to reduce the quality, so try to get it right the first time. For many of our uses we would prefer once melted beeswax with some bees in it and dross at the bottom, than the same beeswax which has been re-melted.
- Don’t use any more heat than is necessary to do the job. Beeswax melts between 62 and 65dec C, there should be no need to exceed 90 dec C.
- If melting over water, ensure that the water never boils as this will emulsify and stain the beeswax and lower its grade and value.
- Never use live steam direct into beeswax as this will also emulsify it and downgrade it.
- Melting in holding vessels are best made from stainless steel or heavy plastic. Steel, iron and galvanised vessels should never be used as they are attached by the acidity of beeswax and this will discolour the beeswax.
- Melted beeswax is best put into a holding tank with hot water in the bottom. This allows any fine dross and stain to settle out. Holding tanks are easily made by using a plastic drum with an outlet at the bottom and another wax outlet about 300 mm up from the bottom. Fill with hot water to just about the top outlet (the more water you have – the greater its ability to absorb stain) and add the molten beeswax and leave to settle until the correct pouring temperature (70 dec C approx) is reached, then lower the water level out the bottom tap while dribbling a small flow out of the top tap. When finished add some hot water to the tank to run out the last of the wax into a mould with some water in the bottom and this will be they only block with dross on the bottom which can be cleaned off.
Preparation of Beeswax - Pouring
The trick to producing nice blocks is to pour at the correct temperature, which is about 70dec C. If you do not have a thermometer, a sign that the temperature is about right is if the bubbles which form as you are pouring, solidify momentarily on the surface and then melt. If this does not happen then the beeswax will be too hot, will cool unevenly, the blocks will have cracks and be hard to remove from the moulds.
Preparation of Beeswax - Moulds
Our preferred mould is a square pail as pictured. If filled to the lowest reinforcing ring around the top of the bucket they hold approx 10 kgs. These are an excellent size for “top and tail” packing onto standard pallets. 10 kgs is also a good weight if you want to estimate how much beeswax you have by counting the blocks. These moulds are also inexpensive and can be supplied by us.

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