Electric Embedder with Transformer & Leads
This Electric Embedder makes frame assembly quicker.
This process is much quicker than using manual embedders, and is a beekeeping essential for any Beekeeper who prefers wooden frames over plastic.
Standard power supply, with 220V-24V current transformer.
It is necessary to arrange a frame on a suitable support surface in a horizontal position; then place the wax foundation on the wires of the frame. Using the tips supplied with the equipment, the operator can, by touching the wires on opposite sides of the armature, determine the passage of electric current through the metal wire. The wire heats up and the wax foundation placed on it melts upon contact with the hot wire and penetrates it by gravity and is rigidly welded to the wire itself. The raising of the temperature of the armature wire, placed on the wax sheet, will allow it to be inserted and consequently fixed. As soon as the shape of the frame wires appear in transparency in the wax foundation, detach the tips from the wires and leave to cool.
$73.91 + GST
GST inclusive pricing