Hive Alive 500ml
Developed specifically for honeybee health and contains a unique blend of seaweed extracts (not just what rolled up on the beach) as well as thymol and lemongrass oil. Hive Alive is the only feed supplement scientifically proven to deliver stronger colonies, increase honey production and improve over-winter success. Sold in 40 countries, with 11 international scientific studies and counting.
Add HiveAlive to fed syrup at the end of the honey harvest when the honey supers have been removed, at a concentration of 2.5ml Hive Alive per litre of syrup (see instructions for more details).
- Feed supplement for bees that can be easily added to sugar syrup to help maintain colony strength.
- Proven to maintain honeybee health, maintain gut health and improve over-winter success.
- Super concentrated natural formula.
- Trusted by beekeepers around the world.
- Easy to use.
$117.58 + GST